Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happens at an unveiling or dedication?
A: A rabbi or a family member leads a brief service to dedicate the monument when it is first unveiled. There are special prayer booklets for this service that include a number of appropriate prayers. The service includes an opportunity for the family to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish.
Q: What is ground cover?
A: Anything that covers the topsoil after interment is considered ground cover. This can be either floral cover or sodding. Find out more about the available options.
Q: What happens after a burial at the cemetery?
A: The ground settles over time, at which point grounds crew will fill in fresh top-soil. It’s best not to visit the gravesite during Shloshim, the first 30 days after interment, because the ground will not have settled adequately. Depending on weather conditions, this settling period might take even longer. Be sure to contact the cemetery management before visiting.
Q: When should I order my loved one’s memorial?
A: You can order your beloved’s memorial any time after Shloshim. Allow a minimum of six to eight weeks for delivery to the gravesite. Memorials can be viewed here or you can contact the cemetery office.
Q: What do I do with an unwanted grave at Westlawn?
A: If for some reason a grave that has been purchased will not be used, you it may be possible to donate it to Westlawn. This donation qualifies as a charitable contribution as Westlawn is a religious not-for-profit corporation. If you are interested in such an arrangement, contact the cemetery office. Certain restrictions apply. Our buy-back program may also be an option.
Q: How do I transfer ownership of a grave?
A: Contact our office so that we can provide you with a copy of the guidelines and explain the process.
Q: After the death of a loved one, what should I do first?
A: In circumstances where death is imminent, it’s best to contact Lakeshore Funerals before the need arises. Our funeral director, Dan Schubring will guide you in a professional and informative manner. We are available to assist you at any time of the day or evening.
Q: What exactly is a “Jewish” funeral?
A: First and foremost, the intent of a Jewish funeral is to comfort the survivors. It is important that those close family members, with support from clergy and extended family, decide what customs and traditions best meet your needs. The funeral service should be designed to honor the memory of your loved one and support the survivors in their time of need. Judaism provides the context, friends and family provide the support, and the funeral director is there to make sure all the necessary elements are presented in a seamless, dignified manner. Two prayers, the Kaddish and El Maleh Rachamim, distinguish a Jewish funeral.
Q: My spouse is Jewish, but I’m not. How will that affect my decisions?
A: In this uncertain time, the surviving spouse should consult with his or her clergy. Our funeral director can explain the customs and traditions. You should consider seeking the guidance of either professional before the need arises. Sometimes, a surviving partner or non-family member is requested or expected to make funeral arrangements. We consider every relationship of value, and we will work hard to create the kind of funeral that will best honor the deceased.

Preplanning yours or a loved one’s funeral and interment services saves time and money, and gives peace of mind.