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Whether you prefer to email or speak to someone on the phone we are here to help make your burden a little lighter. To contact Westlawn Cemetery call: 773.625.8600 For Lakeshore Jewish Funerals call 773.625.8621 (available 24-hours-a-day) or email:

    Download FREE helpful information

    Westlawn Cemetery and Mausoleum Lakeshore Jewish Funerals
    7801 West Montrose Avenue
    Norridge, Illinois 60706

    Lakeshore Jewish Funerals 773.625.8621
    Westlawn Cemetery and Mausoleum 773.625.8600

    Westlawn Cemetery Pond
    Westlawn Cemetery Mausoleum

    Preplanning yours or a loved one’s funeral and interment services saves time and money, and gives peace of mind.